Other STIs

HIV treatment is a lifelong commitment to your health and well-being. People who are newly diagnosed with HIV often find it overwhelming. But HIV is a manageable disease. People living with HIV who take their HIV medications every day exactly as prescribed by medical doctors lead a quality life like any other uninfected person.

The benefit of early diagnosis and treatment

  • To know HIV status on time and can help to reduce their risk behaviours for acquisition and transmission of HIV and STIs.
  • For those diagnosed with HIV and STIs will get timely care, support and treatment.
  • Appropriate treatment and timely intake of drugs will give good treatment outcomes:
    • Reduce HIV in your body
    • Improve your body immune system
    • Live healthily and prolong your life
    • Prevent further transmission

Risk of non-compliant to treatment

  • Poor treatment outcome
  • Increased onwards transmission of HIV from the source
  • High chances of drug resistance
  • Second-line drugs are very expensive and have more side effects compared to first-line drugs.