About Us

We want to make rendering public health services easy and accessible online. That's why we have developed this online system to cater to your needs.

What is Access2care?

Access2care is an online service to help you understand whether you are at risk of getting HIV or spreading to others. This online system was created to make it easier for people to avail HIV prevention and testing services in your own privacy. Knowing your risk level will help you stay away from risky behaviors and make right decision to test your HIV status.

What kind of online services are available on this website?

There are two main services provided on this website. The first is HIV Risk Assessment Questionnaire and the other is Booking an Appointment to test your HIV status. Risk Assessment Questionnaire helps you to recollect your history of sexual and other risky behaviors as per your gender and sexual partner preference and then finally identify your risk level for HIV. Booking an Appointment helps you to choose your nearest testing center to test your HIV status.

Apart from two main services, users can also access important information on HIV and other related articles and research reports on sexual and reproductive health including HIV/AIDS.

Who provides this online service?

This online service is created by National HIV, AIDS and STIs Control Program (NACP), Department of Public Health, Ministry of Health. The funding support for the development of this online service is supported by The Global Fund through Save the Children-Bhutan.

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