Redefining the Mode of HIV Transmission through Analysis of Risk Attribution among the Reported HIV Cases from 1993 to 2021 in Bhutan

The detailed risk assessment of the diagnosed HIV cases in Bhutan is an opportunity to carry out the risk analysis to generate evidence of wherein, under what context, and in which population groups most new infections are occurring.

Download By Khandu, L.; Choida, N.; Drukpa, J.; Tshering, D.; Wangdi, S.

Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveillance (IBBS) Surveys among vulnerable and Key Populations at Higher Risk in Bhutan, 2016

The National HIV/AIDS & STIs Control Programme under Department of Public Health, Ministry of Health, Royal Government of Bhutan would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the Global Fund for supporting this critical study, the key stakeholders, i.e; Royal Bhutan Police, Royal Bhutan Army, District Health Sector, Chithuen Phendey Association, Royal Center for Disease Control (RCDC), the field enumerators, investigators and finally the School for Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation & Research (SPMER), the research firm based in Kathmandu, Nepal for extending technical support in completing this study.

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HIV Vulnerability and Sexual Risk Behaviour of the Drayang Girls in Bhutan

The rapid socio-economic development in Bhutan has brought changes in individual lifestyles resulting in increased risk behavior of the urban population, particularly the Drayang girls. This study investigated the underlying factors influencing the sexual risk behaviour of Drayang girls and their vulnerability to HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI). The Drayangs are dance bars in Bhutan where the women perform Bhutanese songs/dances on the stage to entertain the bar patrons and making them pay for their performance.

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Baseline CD4 count and the time interval between the initial HIV infection and diagnosis among PLHIV in Bhutan

CD4 count is an important predictor of disease progression, opportunities infection, deaths, and to understand the time interval between initial HIV infection to the first diagnosis. However, baseline CD4 count and the time period between initial infection and the diagnosis amongst PLHIV in Bhutan never been evaluated.

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